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Pre-Employment Screening Services

Staff Probity & Compliance Solutions

Bulk Police Checks & Certifications

Contractor Verifications, KYC, AML, PEP


Level 11, 15 Blue Street,

North Sydney, NSW 2060

phone    Sales - 1800 644 742
support    Support - 1800 644 589 

In a time of rising negligent hiring lawsuits, increasing compliance requirements and penalties, as well as the never ending requirement to do more with less, can you afford not to check? The impact of a bad hire is well documented, as are the effects on output, morale, customers and reputation. At TalentScreen, we can package any combination from our range of checks to ensure you have the best possible chance of hiring the right people, every time.

These are just some of the areas impacted, but we are only a phone call away, and happy to share much of the information we gather on the positive cost-benefits of pre-employment screening.

Company Performance

why companyYour company runs on the performance of its people. While there are many reasons to screen incoming employees, at the very foundation is the principle that the competitive output of any organisation is a direct function of the combined individual and group capabilities of the employees.  How they perform as individuals, and how they perform as teams.

Having the right framework in place for selecting, hiring, and onboarding new employees is at top of mind of every HR manager, and every line manager. However often time constraints and even experience levels can impinge on an organisation's ability to take advantage of the insights available through solid background checking. 

At TalentScreen we consider ourselves your expert HR partner. Our experts are here to support yours. We know how to expediently, painlessly and professionally gather the information that you need to validate and support your decisions regarding new hires.

Experience & Time

why experienceWhen you partner with a company like TalentScreen, you add a new level of wealth of experience and professionalism to your team. 

Many organisations simply don't have the time available to thoroughly conduct pre-employment screening with the same rigour we do, or with the processes and connections provided by a professional background check and pre-employment screening company. Accessing the systems, people, and partners required to thoroughly vet a candidate can be a time-consuming and expensive process. The use of organisations such as TalentScreen is an excellent exercise in time and efficiency. Our professionalism, experience, and business process frees you to focus on the initiatives within your company that deliver the highest returns.

In a time when we all have to do more with less, it often makes sense to outsource. Outsourcing to TalentScreen will almost always allow your screening to be delivered at a lower price point than if performed internally, with ultimate confidence in the quality and delivery.

Opportunity Cost

why costThe cost of a bad hire can be enormous. Costs are typically broken into three areas.

Cost of recruitment. Write and place the ad, calibrate and filter responses, interview time, and more. These are actual costs, and are measured in thousands of dollars. More if you use recruitment companies.

Productivity cost. An employee typically returns to a company 3-5 times their loaded cost, on an annual basis. The process of hire, fire, rehire, is often 6 months, without taking into account the time it takes for an employee to become situationally fluent in their role. These costs are measured in hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Opportunity cost. While hard at times to quantify, opportunities such as time to market, contract delivery and product launch, are often measured in millions of dollars.

Investing in pre-employment screening simply delivers substantial value for money.

Company Culture

why cultureYour company likely has well-defined core values which form the backbone of your company culture, and enables the harmonious delivery of productivity. A company often takes years to develop a sound culture, and it is important that as new staff join your team, enough consideration is given to their fit to your organisation and its core values. Alignment of culture within your teams is a key enabler of motivation, morale, and productivity, It's important that your new hires are not only aligned with your culture, but that they can also contribute to it. Hence having visibility into your prospective candidates' attitudes to company culture, the kind of environment they can thrive in, as well as fitting with their existing teammates is of considerable importance. While most interview processes and selection criteria will deliver a view from the candidate's perspective, past employment is usually the greatest indicator of whether your newest team member is likely to "fit" your organisation.

My Verification Service incorporates cultural fit into many of our background checks, including references and employment history where applicable. We provide feedback from past employers on whether an individual was a contributor, passive supporter, or perhaps a negative influence on culture and values in prior employment. 

Company Probity

why probityIntegrity of individuals is always important, but for some companies and industries the ramifications are significant. If your risk matrix or risk assessment process rates employee probity in the severe, then probity pre-employment background checks should be a must have.  While a probity check allows you to employ with confidence, they also add a level of robustness in the event there should be an issue. Your organisation should be in a sound position to demonstrate robust procedures that followed established principles on integrity checking, and thus these checks are typically a combination of criminal history, PEP (Politically Exposed Person), AML (Anti Money Laundering), ASIC, licences, and others,

My Verification Service incorporates cultural fit into many of our background checks, including references and employment history where applicable. We provide feedback from past employers on whether an individual was a contributor, passive supporter, or perhaps a negative influence on culture and values in prior employment. 

Performance Predictors

why peoplePast performance is usually the best indicator of future performance - Performance at your organisation. And TalentScreen can help you discover more.

Did they actually achieve what is outlined in their CV? Why was a candidate successful or not in a prior role? Has there been incremental improvement and success over a number of roles? What are the key attributes that will make this person a success in your company? These are insights that skilled and professional verifiers can provide for you during pre-employment screening. It will allow you to onboard and start your new hire with the confidence that they can deliver on the skills and experience you are hiring them for.

We triangulate across references, employment history, and a range of other checks to deliver a comprehensive report that ultimately provides you with insights needed to understand that you are hiring the right person for the job.

Call us today to find out more about our experiences, and how we can help you to ensure you hire the best people for your company.

contact us

phone 1800 644 742

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